My New Hobby: Woodworking

School leaves me with very little free time, but somehow I managed to find just enough of it to pick up a new hobby: woodworking.

It all began over Christmas break. I learned how to use a laser cutter, and before I knew it I was hooked. Drawing from my love for all things science, I started cutting anatomy-related objects out of wood. As it turned out, enough people liked what I was doing and now I have an Etsy store with an entire line of anatomy-themed keychains.

Lasercut Walnut Anatomy

I’m learning a lot more about wood. So far my favorite is this beautiful red wood called padauk. It’s perfect for making anatomical hearts!



And, of course, I had to make some space-related items too.

Lasercut Planets

Most recently, I added some radiology-themed items to the shop.


I love making them. If they make others happy too, great!